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Upgrade of Ain Octor-Korbous RR128 Road, Drainage and Reinforcement of Korbous-Ain Elfakroun-Ain Elatrous Section, and Safeguard against Rock Falls in Nabeul Region


Ministère de l’Equipement, de l’Habitat et de l’Aménagement du Territoire, Direction Générale des Ponts et Chaussées, Direction des Etudes






In progress


Since 2001, the RR128 road linking Ain Octor to Korbous has been closed to traffic due to landslides, dismantling, failure and gradual collapse of the buttresses of the stone trap wall supports. The planned landscaping for the road to Korbous should restore an identity link with the region and articulate a better tourism approach for the region. The first phase of the project is a preliminary study which consists of the assessment of the road under study and the proposal of preliminary options for the restoration of RR128 between Ain Octor and Korbous, drainage and reinforcement of the Korbous-Ain Elfakroun-Ain Elatrous road, safeguarding these two road sections against rock falls, and protecting sea-side against swell. The preliminary design phase consists of presenting possible options of technical and economic solutions after conducting additional field works.


  • Study of predictable natural hazards linked to cliffs and fall hazards of rock masses
  • Geomorphological and geological study and determination of cliff instability factors
  • Diagnosis and description of the current state of RR 128 road from Ain Octor to Ain Elatrous
  • Assessment, diagnosis and reinforcement of existing support structures
  • Assessment and sea-side protection against swell
  • Preliminary study of road state and options definition
  • Preliminary design
  • Design of planned structures such as road structures, tunnels, hydraulic structures, walls etc.
  • Design of crossroads development, road drainage, protection against infiltration
  • Traffic study and economic profitability study
  • Public lighting study
  • Environmental and social impact study
  • Public spaces development design
  • Study of public consultation
  • Detailed design of selected option
  • Preparation of tender documents
